Sleuth Mystery Players (

Follow the comical escapades of the Ohio-based, traveling Murder Mystery troupe known as the Sleuth Mystery Players!

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Location: Coshocton, Ohio, United States

Actually, it's about us...Geri, Jeff, Kate and me. We make up the Sleuth Mystery Players. See more of us at (For your dietary needs, we're low carb and fat free)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A special magical production!!

For those of you who like magic, our own Jeff Leonard will be taking the stage at the Twin City Opera House in McConnelsville Ohio on December 9th. As a member of the Sleuth Mystery Players, Jeff brings his own brand of magical fun to each of our mystery events. But on December 9th, it will be all about the magic. Jeff will be able to bring out the big guns and appear as different characters while magically entertaining the crowd at the Opera House. His show is family oriented so it would be a great night out for the entire clan.

Come on down to McConnelsville and enjoy a wonderful evening of Music, Magic and More. Jeff has asked me to come along and provide some musical interludes between his sets. So, we'll do a sing-a-long or two, and some original music too.

I'm really looking to a great night of magic with the very talented Jeff Leonard!

The show begins at 7:00PM and more information can be found here...

Friday, November 24, 2006

On the road again

Here's hoping everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The Sleuth Mystery Players are back in action tomorrow night at the Guggisberg Swiss Inn near Charm Ohio. (I called it the "Steve Guttenberg Inn" once and Jeff just stared at me...I guess I won't be using that line again) This will be our first event with them and we are really looking forward to it. I don't know about the other kids, but I really enjoy playing new venues. (I make it sound as though we're rock stars or something) We will also be there next Saturday December 2nd for another mystery. I'm really looking forward to making the trip up's not too far from home and they serve Amish cooking! (Like I didn't get enough starch and carbohydrates on Thanksgiving Day!) Check back this Sunday or Monday and we will have some pictures and a report for you. (And possible another Steve Guttenberg reference) I will also try to break this capricious trend of parenthesis usage. (Okay?)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I like the quote by George R. Hendrick, "True thanksgiving means that we need to thank God for what He has done for us, and not to tell Him what we have done for Him." Even the Psalmist said "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord." [Psalm 92:1]

Today I am giving my thanks for all the incredible blessings I have. Too many to begin mentioning here.

I hope you get to spend today with family and friends and reflect upon your blessings also.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

That's just super!!

Here is a picture of Geri before she changed into her costume...HA! Actually, this was also at the White Oak Inn during the mystery called "The Unemployed Super Hero Union." Geri played "A.D.D. GIRL"...did someone say typecasting? Don't get me wrong, we love Geri. We have to...or she won't give us a ride back home after the event! This picture is actually from last year and isn't she stunning? I believe those clothes are out of Jeff's closet.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa it's magic... does it always happen that Jeff gets all the pretty ones? Always a bridesmaid...

Well, Jeff found another beauty at the Red Maple Inn in Burton Ohio. We were there last Saturday the 18th of November. That's correct...I scheduled a mystery event on the same day that Ohio State played Michigan. I had a minor brain cramp. We got to see most of the first half and some of the second. But win or lose we had a GREAT time with the folks in helps that we WON!!!!

Stop staring at my pants...

Here we are having some fun at the White Oak Inn near Danville Ohio. These women had just been released from prison earlier in the day and they were primed to have a good time!

Seriously now...they are all great gals from all over Ohio just singing a little "California Dreamin" with their host, Red Hiney.

The gal in the red sweater has a son who is a senior football player at The Ohio State University! How cool is that! This was the night before Ohio State beat Michigan!!

History in the making...

First, allow me to give you a bit of history about the Sleuth Mystery Players (SMP). Most of us were born at a very young age, subsequently grew up, and we are. It's that middle part that is a little fuzzy. Many years ago in a little village known as Roscoe, two unconventional guys thought it would be fun to put on a dinner theatre type of an event where a small cast of actors would pretend to kill each other while a group of disassociated onlookers would attempt to decipher who done it. (And why they paid money to watch it) This group of actors disbanded (as did the onlookers) when one of its leaders was elected Mayor of Whoville and the other was beamed back to the mother ship.

After a little reorganization and a lot of therapy, the group regrouped and became a group again. Today, known as the Sleuth Mystery Players, the team travels Ohio entertaining three or four of the hundreds of people they encounter. Unlike the old days when the guests would watch the story unfold in front of them, the participants now become the criminals and perpetrators. It's all very participatory. (I just like saying that word)

Prior to a SMP event, a participant will receive a character name and a brief description of that characters personality and behavior traits. From there, the participant creates a costume, developes their character and arrives at the event ready to have some serious fun!

There are no lines to learn and no real script to follow. Just the opportunity to, as Billy Joel so expressively sang, forget about life for a while. We do encourage you to follow the hilarious string of felonies and misdemeanors, but it's more important to us that you are relaxed and amused during the evening. Our goal is entertain you.

We've started a blog...bully for us!

Welcome to the "Sleuth Mystery Players" blaa blaa blog...

While I think of something clever to say, check out our website at Site Feed