First, allow me to give you a bit of history about the Sleuth Mystery Players (SMP). Most of us were born at a very young age, subsequently grew up, and we are. It's that middle part that is a little fuzzy. Many years ago in a little village known as Roscoe, two unconventional guys thought it would be fun to put on a dinner theatre type of an event where a small cast of actors would pretend to kill each other while a group of disassociated onlookers would attempt to decipher who done it. (And why they paid money to watch it) This group of actors disbanded (as did the onlookers) when one of its leaders was elected Mayor of Whoville and the other was beamed back to the mother ship.
After a little reorganization and a lot of therapy, the group regrouped and became a group again. Today, known as the Sleuth Mystery Players, the team travels Ohio entertaining three or four of the hundreds of people they encounter. Unlike the old days when the guests would watch the story unfold in front of them, the participants now become the criminals and perpetrators. It's all very participatory. (I just like saying that word)
Prior to a SMP event, a participant will receive a character name and a brief description of that characters personality and behavior traits. From there, the participant creates a costume, developes their character and arrives at the event ready to have some serious fun!
There are no lines to learn and no real script to follow. Just the opportunity to, as Billy Joel so expressively sang, forget about life for a while. We do encourage you to follow the hilarious string of felonies and misdemeanors, but it's more important to us that you are relaxed and amused during the evening. Our goal is entertain you.